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Arm Yourself With The Weapons of Mass Education

"What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think." --Adolf Hitler

Did you know the CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Terrorist Crimes Per Year? Read the Entire Congressional report]   [hole.gif]

The Zionists represent the most dangerous thing that the human race has ever faced, and unless we begin to find ways to drive these bestial savages back into oblivion, then we are ALL doomed.

The Jewish Peril is real

The "Forgery" (Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion) is master-plan for vast restructuring of society, creation of a new oligarchy and subjugation of millions.

Part 1


Part 2



US military spreading death

Sunday 9 August 2009

Want a job putting people into camps.?

The links:
http://jobview.monster.com/getjob.asp... 09:18:00&pg=1&seq=1&fseo=1&isjs=1&re=100 0
http://www.military.net/job/639/Inter... specialist

http://jobsearch.money.cnn.com/a/all-... Officer Internment/Resettlement Specialist/c-Army National Guard



National Guard asked to explain 'internment' jobs

An ad campaign featured on a U.S. Army website seeking those who would be interested in being an "Internment/Resettlement" specialist is raising alarms across the country, generating concerns that there is some truth in those theories about domestic detention camps, a roundup of dissidents and a crackdown on "threatening" conservatives.

Are you an enemy of the state? Get the bumper sticker that lets everyone know you have no apologies for being right!

The ads, at the GoArmy.com website as well as others including Monster.com, cite the need for:

"Internment/Resettlement (I/R) Specialists in the Army are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility. I/R Specialists provide rehabilitative, health, welfare, and security to U.S. military prisoners within a confinement or correctional facility; conduct inspections; prepare written reports; and coordinate activities of prisoners/internees and staff personnel.

The campaign follows by only weeks a report from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warning about "right-wing extremists" who could pose a danger to the country – including those who support third-party political candidates, oppose abortion and would prefer to have the U.S. immigration laws already on the books enforced.

ARMY Internment Jobs Fuel FEMA CAMP Rumors
The private sector may be crumbling, but the US military, the biggest and most destructive government program in history, is open for business.

The US Army is running an ad on its website for anyone interested in working as an Internment/Resettlement Specialist. Just take a look at what these frightening job responsibilities include:

Internment/Resettlement (I/R) Specialists in the Army are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility. I/R Specialists provide rehabilitative, health, welfare, and security to U.S. military prisoners within a confinement or correctional facility; conduct inspections; prepare written reports; and coordinate activities of prisoners/internees and staff personnel.

Some of your duties as an Internment/Resettlement Specialist may include: * Assist with the supervision and management of confinement and detention operations * Provide external security to confinement/corrections facilities or detention/internment facilities * Provide counseling and guidance to individual prisoners within a rehabilitative program * Prepare or review reports and records of prisoners/internees and programs

Correctional/internment facilities? I have to admit that the US government is good at one thing: creating fluffy names for evil acts. During WW2, of course, the US didn't have concentration camps, we had "relocation centers" for hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese citizens. Dropping tons of bombs on civilians is "collateral damage," and Arabs defending their homes from the US war machine are "insurgents."

As Chalmers Johnson has said, either we give up our empire or live under it. Unfortunately, Americans have made peace (so to speak) with the latter.



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