G20 Protesters Storm Bank And Clash With Cops

Sky News crime correspondent Martin Brunt said he had seen police CCTV pictures of the demonstrators removing equipment and starting a small fire.
Police on foot backed up by a line of mounted officers lined up outside the branch as smoke bombs were thrown by a baying crowd.
Earlier, a protester hit an officer with a large pole during large-scale protests ahead of the G20 summit of world leaders.
Anger at bankers' role in the global economic downturn and frustration at slow progress in tackling climate change prompted thousands to take to the streets in the capital.
Four protest marches converged on the Bank of England after setting off along separate routes as helicopters circled overhead.
City workers leaned out of windows and waved £10 notes at demonstrators on the streets below, who responded with jeers and shouts. More
G20 rioters 'will be tracked down'
Rupert Murdoch Fox fascist O'Reilly compares G20 protesters to child molesters.
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