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Arm Yourself With The Weapons of Mass Education

"What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think." --Adolf Hitler

Did you know the CIA Commits Over 100,000 Serious Terrorist Crimes Per Year? Read the Entire Congressional report]   [hole.gif]

The Zionists represent the most dangerous thing that the human race has ever faced, and unless we begin to find ways to drive these bestial savages back into oblivion, then we are ALL doomed.

The Jewish Peril is real

The "Forgery" (Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion) is master-plan for vast restructuring of society, creation of a new oligarchy and subjugation of millions.

Part 1


Part 2



US military spreading death

Tuesday, 28 October 2008


Being an informant for the FBI in the Fort Dix terror investigation has paid well, a witness explained to jurors yesterday.

John Stermel, an investigator assigned to an FBI counterterrorism task force, spent yesterday morning on the stand detailing the role of informant Mahmoud Omar, who wore a wire for 16 months in the investigation of five men accused of planning to shoot soldiers at the Army base.

Defense lawyers say it was Omar who tried to plot an attack - not their clients.

For his help, authorities will recommend that immigration officials, who once were considering deporting Omar, offer him legal-resident status or perhaps even citizenship, Stermel testified.

By year's end, Omar will have received nearly $240,000 for his help - $185,000 in payments plus reimbursement for $25,000 in expenses and nearly $29,000 in rent.

Weekly payments of $1,500 began in August 2006, the month Omar went with one of the defendants, Mohamad Shnewer, to check out Fort Dix. More



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