Why was Benazir killed?

The Likely motive behind Bhutto's assassination: to move US troops into Pakistan in order to gain control of their nukes and to leave Israeli and the US in control of Central Asia and Mid-East – and as a stage, or step, building up to a War of Aggression Against Iran. It is the old Empire game of "divide and conquer." ...
...By the way, I heard this from a call-in on C-span, and have not directly checked this out, "that in an interview with David Frost Benazir Bhutto said that Osama Bin Laden was assassinated at the end of 2002" and "claimed she knew who did it, when, and how," and suggested that the subsequent bin Laden videos and audio tapes (reportedly "released by Al Qaeda") are, in fact, "high tech constructs and slick patch jobs produced by a third party."
The Likely motive behind Bhutto's assassination: to move US troops into Pakistan in order to gain control of their nukes and to leave Israeli and the US in control of Central Asia and Mid-East – and as a stage, or step, building up to a War of Aggression Against Iran. It is the old Empire game of "divide and conquer."
According to Wolf Blitzer (a former spokes-person for AIPAC) Bhutto left him a letter that blamed Musharaff in the event she was assassinated. (Right! –with Blitzer, rather than giving this last speculative condemnation "in the event of" to one of her most trusted political allies within her own party, family, or staff).
Now out of military uniform, and perhaps out of luck, Musharaff blames some tribal chief who in turn denies he would "murder a woman." A point also made by Bhutto after the first bombing on her return home. So the question becomes, who gains and who loses? Who wanted chaos? Who will exploit this chaos?
By the way, I heard this from a call-in on C-span, and have not directly checked this out, "that in an interview with David Frost Benazir Bhutto said that Osama Bin Laden was assassinated at the end of 2002" and "claimed she knew who did it, when, and how," and suggested that the subsequent bin Laden videos and audio tapes (reportedly "released by Al Qaeda") are, in fact, "high tech constructs and slick patch jobs produced by a third party."
This information comes from a report from a C-span caller, even if suspect are also questions that are easily addressed to David Frost by the US media, and certainly, at this crisis moment, after her death, after her assassination, important claims worthy of national attention by the American public and media. And I must caution, rather than simple ignoring her account, let me point out that as a two-time Prime Minister that Bhutto had both historic and a political connections to elements within Pakistani intelligence.
As to the other issue, as reported, Negroponte is a US hit-man; he is human scum, and a mass murderer. The Catholic Sisters that protested Negroponte's appointment to US Assistant Secretary of State were protesting "the death squad murders" of Priests, Nuns, women and children in Honduras "under Negroponte's direction." These wanttobe fascist, US based murderers, and warmongers ("Neonazicons"' as I call them) are inside the gates, sitting in the corporate board rooms, occupying office, and in the halls of power.
(Note: The fear of US intervention in Pakistan is widespread in the country. The military is aware of the dangers and is on guard but the political class is still focussed on 'who next'. Usman Khalid - Director London Institute of Saouth Asia)
By Bruce Boyle
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