CNN Is An ACTIVE Participant In Planning War With Iran

CNN Presents: We Were Warned - Iran Goes Nuclear examines a potential scenario of the nation's response to an Iran with nuclear weapon capabilities. Participating in the scenario are people with real-life situation task force experience at the highest levels of government:
Former Acting CIA Director John Mclaughlin in the role as National Security Advisor
Former Nixon and Clinton Sr. Staffer David Gergen in the role as White House Chief of Staff
Former Vice-Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joe Ralston, in the role as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Former EPA Administrator and New Jersey Gov. Christie Todd Whitman in the role as Secretary of Treasury
Former CIA Director Jim Woolsey in the role as Secretary of Defense
Former FBI Terrorist Chief Dale Watson in the role as Secretary of Homeland Security
Former CIA Director of Counter Terrorism, John Brennan in the role as Director of National Intelligence
Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, U.S. Ambassador to Syria and Undersecretary of State for Near-East affairs, Ed Djrejian as the Secretary of State.
Set in the future, an informant discloses a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program and the U.S. president convenes his National Security Council to review the options and the consequences of potential action and inaction, and develop a recommendation for what to do.
While our hypothetical council debates, CNN's Frank Sesno interviews former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, former arms inspector David Kay, and current Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns for their expert views on the consequences of a nuclear Iran - and the current tensions between the two nations. He asks them what the U.S. should be doing to avert the worst-case scenario.
We Were Warned - Iran Goes Nuclear will premiere on Wednesday, December 12 from 8pm to 10pm, with a replay at midnight to 2am (all times Eastern).
This program is pure propaganda, designed to get us all comfy with the idea of going to war with Iran .... CNN is guilty of conspiracy, IMO.
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