Look At My Thumb

--- Major General Smedley Butler
While we sit in our parlors and watch the Right and Left trade jabs over the war in Iraq, the leading candidates of both parties are ALL declaring their commitment to attacking Iran, against the will of 75% of their constituents. Doesn’t it strike you just a little bit strange to hear the Democrats railing in opposition about the war from one side of their mouth, while telling you that we need to expand the war to Iran, from the other? Obviously, if we start a war with Iran, there’s no way we can withdraw from its neighbor, Iraq. The truth is, we were never planning to leave from day one.
But how ‘bout those Republicans, who continue to spread “freedom” around the world (a very liberal idea), while dismantling it piece by piece here at home? Sorry. I really shouldn’t say “Republicans”, because it’s actually the NeoCons, who have taken over the Republican Party and now control our government, along with their partners on the other side of the aisle, who we’ll call the NeoLibs. I suppose that’s why so many people are having trouble with all this (aside from the fact that all our major media outlets are working day and night to mask the reality), they just don’t understand who these politicians really are anymore…liberals with conservative views and conservatives with liberal views; it’s just all so confusing. More...
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