Bring Them Home, don't be fooled again
Labels: Bring Them Home, don't be fooled again
Arm Yourself With The Weapons of Mass Education
"What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think." --Adolf Hitler
The Zionists represent the most dangerous thing that the human race has ever faced, and unless we begin to find ways to drive these bestial savages back into oblivion, then we are ALL doomed. |
The Jewish Peril is real
Part 1
Part 2
US military spreading death
Labels: Bring Them Home, don't be fooled again
Labels: ChinaAlqaeda
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Monday a diplomatic push by the world's powers to rein in Tehran's nuclear program was the only alternative to "an Iranian bomb or the bombing of Iran."
In his first major foreign policy speech, Sarkozy emphasized his existing foreign policy priorities, such as opposing Turkish membership of the European Union and pushing for a new Mediterranean Union that he hopes will include Ankara. Reuters
Buchanan pointed to recent claims by the US military that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (al-Quds) is the source of explosive devices that are killing American soldiers in Iraq, saying, "They're laying down a predicate for military strikes on the al-Quds camps inside Iran. ... And I think then they'd go for the nuclear sites. " Raw Story Popular?
Labels: Pat Buchanan: Democrats will fall in line with 'popular' war on Iran
It is past time to challenge the arrogant Mr. Bush directly.
For overwhelming moral reasons, I do not want the U. S. and Israeli governments to be victorious in any present or future Middle East wars. I want them to lose such wars. Counterpunch
Labels: But Major Zionist Media, Searing Documentary on War Complicity Indicts Not Just U.S. Zionist Politicos, Too
Labels: Cancer in Iraq vets raises possibility of toxic exposure
Labels: The Great Iraq Swindle
Labels: DU Threatens Thousands
Civil liberties campaigners and MPs have raised doubts about the national DNA database after the Home Office confirmed it contained more than 500,000 false or wrongly recorded names.
Suspects arrested over any imprisonable offence, including rape and murder, can have their DNA held even if they are not charged or are acquitted.
The database, the biggest in the world, contains about four million names.
But it has been dogged by problems. Statistics released by the Home Office show it contains around 550,000 files with wrong or misspelt names. London Telegraph
Labels: 000 DNA database mistakes, Outrage at 500
I like to picture it, if I have to picture it at all, as some sort of giant, low-lit converted warehouse, loosely staffed with a haphazard gaggle of scraggy, perpetually hung-over former frat guys and ex-cops and disgruntled former bank tellers all staring numbly at banks of 10-year-old black-and-white Dell monitors set about in a scattershot array of worn gray cubicles, all smelling of stale coffee and overloaded electrical outlets and tiny lost dreams.
They are wary, these government workers, these data miners. They are jaded, burned out, sighing heavily. After all, they know it's all some big in-joke, this supposedly ominous government surveillance thing, all the cameras and the wiretapping and the Internet scouring. I mean, isn't it?
And the joke only got worse when they were all hired en masse by a nebulous substrata of the sprawling and highly ineffective Department of Homeland Security to somehow sift through 10,000 hours of random urban surveillance-camera footage every week and 2 million Web site histories and countless witless phone conversations all of people chatting annoyingly about, you know, work, and relationships, and how tired they are, and how drunk they got last night, and nothing much at all, right alongside endless digital video of citizens walking around picking their noses and scratching their butts and looking confused and happy and miserable and lost and found and occasionally smoking a joint or buying porn or stealing a pack of gum or parallel parking very, very poorly. Fun! San Francisco Chronicle
Labels: America, The Sexy Fascist State
It was a wild and exciting August 20th in the small Quebec town of Montebello as GeorgeW. Bush, the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Felipe Calderon of Mexico met in the town’s exclusive Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello resort.
With a protest expected, many residents closed shop for the day and some even boarded up their businesses. The leaders were meeting at the posh resort for secretive talks regarding the “Security and Prosperity Partnership” (SPP—a Bilderberg linked initiative to merge the United States, Canada and Mexico into one entity).
A massive fence was erected around the Chateau property and police on ATVs and motorcycles were abundant. A large turnout of anti-globalist protesters showed up around noon. I was there to document the impressive caravan of buses and cars that rolled into the tranquil town, most bus occupants chanting, “George Bush go home, George Bush go home…” American Free Press
A plane of uncertain origin went down over Abkhazia, an official of the separatist region said yesterday, a day after Georgian forces claim they fired on a plane believed to be Russian that had violated the country's airspace.
The Georgian claim further escalated tensions with Russia, which had soared earlier in the month when Georgia said a Russian bomber dropped a missile on a Georgian village. The missile did not explode. In both cases Russia vehemently denied that its planes had violated Georgian airspace.
In the latest claim, Georgia said it fired on Wednesday at a plane over Upper Abkhazia, a remote mountainous area adjacent to separatist-controlled Abkhazia.
Russia accused Georgia of wanting to ratchet up tensions over the status of South Ossetia, another region that is seeking independence or incorporation into Russia. London Independent
We were saddened to hear of the passing of activist, film maker, freedom fighter and all round maverick Aaron Russo today, who died today after a long battle with cancer at the age of 64.
Aaron will be remembered fondly for all his achievements, not least of which the excellent America: From Freedom to Fascism, his final movie which exposed the fraudulent basis of the IRS and the Federal Reserve. Aaron was a real patriot who loved his country and risked his whole career to stand for the truth. He was an example to us all.
Aaron Russo was the Samuel Adams of our day, a stalwart defender of liberty, his passing is greatly mourned but his fiery spirit lives on in all of his great work and in his wife, his children and his film America From Freedom to Fascism.
Our deep condolences go out to Aaron's family and friends at this difficult time.
Below is a video interview that Alex Jones conducted with Aaron after the two were able to meet for the first time in January of this year.
CIA director Michael Hayden assures us that "now our mission and authorities [to conduct that mission] are clearly defined." Adds national intelligence director Michael McConnell: "We now have a clear legal basis" for the CIA's crucial national-security responsibilities.
The new Bush directive claims to forbid torture and cruel and inhuman treatment, as required by the Supreme Court's 2006 Hamdan v. Rumsfeld decision and the Geneva Conventions. However, under the Military Commissions Act of 2006, only the president can interpret the meaning of the Geneva Conventions.
And under his executive order, Bush refuses to list the specific techniques that the CIA can use. All are still classified. More...
Labels: Bush to CIA: 'Leave No Marks'
One after another, the men and women who have stepped forward to report corruption in the massive effort to rebuild Iraq have been vilified, fired and demoted. Or worse.
For daring to report illegal arms sales, Navy veteran Donald Vance says he was imprisoned by the American military in a security compound outside Baghdad and subjected to harsh interrogation methods. There were times, huddled on the floor in solitary confinement with that head-banging music blaring dawn to dusk and interrogators yelling the same questions over and over, that Vance began to wish he had just kept his mouth shut.
He had thought he was doing a good and noble thing when he started telling the FBI about the guns and the land mines and the rocket-launchers - all of them being sold for cash, no receipts necessary, he said. He told a federal agent the buyers were Iraqi insurgents, American soldiers, State Department workers, and Iraqi embassy and ministry employees.
The seller, he claimed, was the Iraqi-owned company he worked for, Shield Group Security Co.
''It was a Wal-Mart for guns,'' he says. ''It was all illegal and everyone knew it.'' More...
This fascist Zionist Administration was always allergic to the truth, and people who attempt to do the right thing by telling the truth wind up getting punished.
Labels: Those who blow whistle on contractor fraud in Iraq face penalties
For the Pentagon, getting out Iraq information will now include a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week Iraq Communications Desk that will pump out data from Baghdad — serving as what could be considered a campaign war room.
According to a memo circulated Thursday and obtained by The Associated Press, Dorrance Smith, assistant defense secretary for public affairs, is looking for personnel for what he called the high-priority effort to distribute Defense Department information on Iraq. AP
On the ground in Baghdad is a sprawling intelligence operation called the Iraqi National Intelligence Service, or INIS. Only INIS isn't really "National" at all. To the great chagrin of the Maliki government, it's financed and controlled by the CIA. And its boss is a longtime Allawi friend and CIA asset, Muhammed Shahwani.
Who's Muhammed Shahwani? More...
Labels: Allawi's Muscle: The CIA-Controlled Iraqi National Intelligence Service
The US Army seems to be moving to acquire a robotic spy blimp, able to float high in the sky for lengthy periods and monitor activities on the ground below.
According to a routine Pentagon summary dated yesterday, Telford Aviation of Dothan, Alabama was awarded an $11,195,164 contract for "operational support for Medium Airborne Reconnaissance Surveillance Systems." The contract was awarded by the US Army's Communications-Electronics Command.
Telford Aviation is a company which provides leased aircraft, maintenance and parts to the civilian market. It's central operations are based in Maine: but it also has a "Government Programs" arm based in Dothan, Alabama. The Register
Labels: Home Front 'Surge'
Labels: As US sinks, Asia unable to swim
Labels: Yellow Peril
Labels: Britons' personal debt exceeds Britain's GDP, For the first time
Labels: Look At My Thumb
He argued before the Veterans of Foreign Wars that ending our ill-conceived and dreadfully executed occupation would amount to "pull[ing] the rug out from under" our troops -- as, presumably, we did in Vietnam -- and urged "today’s generation of Americans [to] resist the deceptive allure of retreat." Taking yet more historical license, he said "Then, as now, people argued that the real problem was America’s presence, and that if we would just withdraw, the killing would end.... The world would learn just how costly these misimpressions would be."
The New York Times reported that "Mr. Bush’s speech was interrupted frequently by cheers from the crowd and by occasional standing ovations." Yes, and odds are, next week the cheers and ovations from the American Legion crowd will be even greater, as this vulgar hysteria feeds on itself.
The pundits are stumped. What could Bush be thinking? Why this Vietnam-analogy argument, now? Why the 180? What's the sense of it all? More...
Labels: I smell a rat
Your president asserts the right to ignore part or all of laws passed by the national legislature.
Massive warrantless searches
Your president and other officials regularly lie to you
Fraudulent election counts
Government monitoring of letters, emails, phone calls and checking accounts
Secret courts
A government subservient to the interests of the country's largest corporations.
Use of torture on prisoners
Courts that support presidential use of unconstitutional powers
Massive spying on citizens, especially those involved in political dissent
A government that uses words like democracy, freedom and peace while engaging in acts dramatically at odds with such words
Government agencies or officials declaring themselves exempt from portions of the law or constitution
Creation of watchlists, no-fly lists and similar exclusionary documents
National ID cards
Growing number of citizens incarcerated for a growing number of offenses
Massive use of cameras to spy on citizens
A media supportive of, or obsequious towards, the government in covering its police state activities
Security bubble around government leaders' public appearances including preselected audiences and limit on proximity of protests
Disarming of citizenry
Dissent characterized as disloyal by government and its supporting media
Increasing government control over private behavior
Lack of legal recourse to stop illegal government actions
Prison without trial and arrests without charges
It is difficult to borrow books from libraries pertaining to controversial subjects such as, communism,socialism,and, fascism.
Transfer of powers from legislatures to executive
Assassinations of popular public figures
Expansion of prisons and laws that lead people to prisons
President claims right to make war whenever he wants
Words misused to mean their opposite: i.e. peace for war, democracy for fascism
The president sets himself up as the sole moral authority for the entire country, using his personal beliefs as the basis on which to declare what is 'good' and what is 'evil.'
Federal takeover of functions formerly considered essential state or local responsibilities such as state militias and public education
Creation of a mercenary military force used for foreign and domestic purposes
This article is taken from the new report compiled by the Institute for Southern Studies called, "Blueprint for Gulf Renewal," giving a voice to grassroots advocates calling for greater federal accountability in the Gulf Coast rebuilding process. The report is available at:
When pressed on the slow pace of recovery in the Gulf Coast, President Bush insists the federal government has fulfilled its promise to rebuild the region. The proof, he says, is in the big check the federal government signed to underwrite the recovery -- allegedly more than $116 billion. But residents of the still-devastated Gulf Coast are left wondering whether the check bounced. More...
Labels: Billions in Relief Funds Are Missing, Two Years After Katrina
Late last year the Coalition began placing more troops on the streets of Baghdad, in an effort to quell "sectarian violence." This week we speak with two families whose homes were ransacked by US troops late last fall. They take us on a tour and discuss the treatment they experienced. They also describe the liberal use of a device we believe to be a "stun grenade" similar to the M84.
For other stories of Iraqis who have experienced violence in their homes, see this video, of a family whose home was hit by a rocket in Adhamiya, and a woman whose cars were destroyed in Mansur.
For another story of an American raid on an Iraqi home, see this woman talking about her son who was killed in Samarra, by American forces. The debate regarding the surge has focused on whether there are enough troops being sent to do the job, or whether the focus should be on diplomacy.
Labels: Surging Around the House
After recent upgrades, the Shihab-3 ballistic missiles are believed to have a target range of 2,000-kilometers. The missile was initially developed with a 1,300-km. range.
According to informed Western sources, the remote-controlled launch system was developed by the Iranians in conjunction with North Korea and by employing Chinese technology. Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Yayha Rahim Safavi said recently that Iran had equipped its Shihab missiles with an advanced guidance system that can control them after they are launched.
Israeli defense officials recently said if Iran were attacked, it would most likely respond by launching Shihab missiles at Israel or US targets in the region. The officials said Israel's Arrow missile defense system was capable of intercepting all of Iran's operational missiles. Jpost
I remember very clearly the daily fearmongering led by FOX as they cheered for war with Iraq. The 24/7 images, sound effects, yelling and threatening were an ever-present drumbeat for war. We had to invade, and we had to invade now.. anyone who didn't see that was a traitor. They viciously attacked those of us who worked to get out the truth. You'd think that with the complete failure in Iraq, those days would be behind us. Sadly, you'd be wrong. FOX wants war with Iran. |
NBC News on Sunday examined the "disappearing military mainstay" of African-American recruits, who in recent years had provided about 1/4 of military enlistments.
Once seen by young black people as "a sure way to climb the ladder," the military is increasingly being shunned because of the Iraq War. "Nearly 3 in 4 blacks oppose the war," NBC stated, and the percentage of active-duty black soldiers in the Army "has plunged by a third since 2001."
The drop-off in black recruits has been recognized as a problem since at least 2005, when the Washington Post reported that "the percentage of new Army recruits who are black has slipped dramatically over the past five years, reflecting a lack of support among African Americans for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."
The Associated Press recently updated those figures and suggested that "the findings reflect the growing unpopularity of the wars, particularly among family members and other adults who exert influence over high school and college students considering the military as a place to serve their country, further their education or build a career." Raw Story
Labels: African-Americans shunning the military over Iraq war