' Mission Accomplished.': 48 blood soaked months later...
Four years ago today the (alleged) Draft Dodger in Chief, landed on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and declared: ' mission accomplished' In Iraq. Forty eight blood soaked months later, what exactly has been accomplished?
* Possibly as many as one million Iraqi dead, four million fled or displaced internally. The largest exodus since the establisment of the State of Israel in 1948.
* The erasing of the history, monuments, archeological sites of the Cradle of Civilisation.
* The kidnapping and lynching of the President and members of the legitimate government.
* The slaughter of the President's sons and grandson.
* One hundred journalists and thirty seven support workers killed. A figure in order of magnitude higher than any war zone on earth (shoot the messengers of this illegal disaster?) It seemed to be policy from day one, literally.
* Over three hundred academics assassinated and thousands fled. The education of the next generation snatched from Iraq's youth, in the country that brought near every academic subject to the world.
* Overflowing morgues.
* Sectarian gangs roaming hospitals and pulling patients from beds and taking them to their death.
* Over two thousand physicians killed, two hundred and fifty kidnapped and eighteen thousand fled.
* Palestinians who have lived in Iraq for generations, killed, threatened and fleeing again to a no man's land unsafe in Iraq, unable to cross borders.
* Sectarian strife, militias, introduced with the invasion, between peoples who had lived together for a thousand years.
* Ongoing suicide bombings in a country where they were unheard of.
* Rigged elections, the results achieved by threats, including death, bribery, threat of ration card confiscation.
* Abu Ghraib's torture, death, sodomy, naked prisoners, electrodes. For ever 'liberation's' - and the US Army's - image.
* The uncounted numerous other secret prisons across Iraq.
* Falluja, Samarra, Tel Afar, Ramadi, Al Quaim, Mahmoudia, Iskanderiya, Baquba, Haditha, Najav, Kerbala, Basra and the slaughters too many to mention, across Iraq.
* The US troops rape of a child and the burning of her family.
* Kicking down doors at 3 a.m., to humiliate, terrify - and steal family jewellery, money, valuables.
* The disappeared in their thousands.
* The destruction of an entire civil society with every institution and all records of its citizens.
* Attempted theft of Iraq's oil. (Not going too well, with the pipelines being blown up - historically, that happens when theft of it looms.)
* Destruction of schools and hospitals and the inability (or lack of will) to rebuild and restock.
* The missing Iraqi and aid $billions in the grand theft auto that is the USA invasion.
* The illegal rewriting of the constituion.
* The installation of a quisling government with loyalties largely, to anywhere but Iraq.
* The death squads under America's watch and for which she is - as an occupying army - responsible.
* The ghetto walls, razor wire, curfews, road blocks in Mansur's 'Round City' on the Tigris, Baghdad - and across the country.
* The soldiers that sell unthinkable photographs of the dead, maimed, tortured to porn sites in exchange for drooling over the depraved.
* Taking a secular state and attempting to turn it into a fundamentalist theocrocy.
* Committing Nuremberg's 'supreme crime', a war of aggression, based on a pack of lies.
* Demands for impeachment increasing by the day.
* The destruction of America and Britain's image for generations to come - and the inability of their citizens to feel safe anywhere, also for generations.
* A death toll heading towards four thousand dead US troops (admitted to) and thousands horrifically injured.
* A trillion$ plus debt and predictions of the collapse of the dollar.
* Madrid, London, Bali, Sharm El Sheikh .... [Who is behind these terror attacks?]
* Near universal loathing.
* The words 'freedom', 'democrocy' and 'liberation', consigned to shame and history's trash can.
Some accomplishment....
Today, ironically, also marks the tenth anniversary of dodgy dossier supremo, Prime Minister Blair's, term in office.
Two anniversaries, two leaders, whose ruined reputations will for ever lie in the sands of Mesapotamia, along with the UN Convention on Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (to which the US is, shamefully not a signatory) But whom Nuremberg may yet return to haunt. Perhaps instead of 'praying together' they should put an end to it all and eat Pretzels together. Or take a fling on a quad byke.
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