Arm Yourself With The Weapons of Mass Education
"What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think." --Adolf Hitler
The Zionists represent the most dangerous thing that the human race has ever faced, and unless we begin to find ways to drive these bestial savages back into oblivion, then we are ALL doomed. |
The Jewish Peril is real
Part 1
Part 2
US military spreading death
Labels: ‘Change Has Come’
Labels: Miami Herald makes up story on Zelaya, Washington Post and New York Times spread it
Labels: Meet Your Puppet-Handlers
Labels: Secret Service Probing Obama Assassination Poll on Facebook
Labels: France condemns 'sinister' arrest of Pedophile Polanski
China makes it illegal to discuss independence for Xinjiang
A new law in the far-western Chinese province of Xinjiang makes it a criminal offence for people to discuss separatism on the internet, according to state media.
Irish No will not stop Europe advancing, says France
France has indicated that even if the Irish vote No in their referendum on the Lisbon Treaty on Friday, it will not hinder the European Union from taking steps towards further integration.
In November 2006, in an by Jeff Stein published by “Congressional Quarterly” on the cover-up of espionage cases involving Israel, Cole was quoted extensively:
“John M. Cole, an FBI spy catcher who retired in 2004, says that from 1993 to 1995 alone, he had “125 open cases” of Israeli espionage, representing nearly half of all the investigations carried on in his Global Unit, part of the now-defunct National Security division.” Inside the FBI itself, Cole said, tracking suspected Israeli spies was hush-hush.In a sharp break with FBI procedures, he was prohibited from notifying field offices when an investigation crept into their jurisdictions. “No one was supposed to know we were investigating the Israelis,” Cole said.
Labels: Poll:‘Should Obama be killed’
Labels: NYC CAN March
Labels: Iran
Zionist-Controlled EU calls Iran missile launch 'a concern'
Labels: Front against the Zionist West
Germany on high alert amid terror threats
Iran to test fire missile capable of hitting Israel
Labels: Iran says it has carried out successful short-range missile tests
Labels: Israel Crosses the Threshold
Labels: Obama hails historic resolution to rid world of (Iran) nuclear weapons
Labels: Nicolas Sarkozy 'perverted course of justice' in trial of Dominique de Villepin
Obama, Sarkozy and Brown Unite Against Iran
Rothschild's Choice:
IAEA may inspect new nuclear site: Iran president
Labels: Obama accuses Iran of building secret nuclear enrichment plant
US may have taken part in failed attempt to oust Chavez - Carter
Plot to assassinate Hugo Chavez
Labels: IAEA calls on Israel to sign Non-Proliferation Treaty
Under the pretext of “helping” local communities short of police in difficult economic times, as well as preparations for a potential swine flu pandemic, U.S. troops are now occupying America as the country sinks into a state of de facto martial law.
We have been inundated with reports over the last few weeks of uniformed soldiers and National Guardsmen running internal checkpoints all over the country as a frightening “Red Dawn” scenario unfolds not with a bang but with a whimper.
The military are now being called upon to undertake roles normally designated to police as Americans are incrementally acclimated to accept the presence of troops on the streets as an everyday occurrence.
The latest case occurred in Kingman Arizona, where National Guardsmen were filmed “providing security” and directing traffic.
Labels: Gulf 'states' work to secure support for nuclear sanctions against Iran
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is extremely satisfied with US President Barack Obama's speech at the UN General Assembly and says that the US has lifted its demands for a complete settlement freeze as a condition for a resumption of peace talks, Channel 10 reported Wednesday.
A top official also told the television channel that Israel had got the impression that the US was readying massive sanctions on Iran, since it was convinced that the chances of fruitful dialogue were slim. JPost
Israel calls on other countries to boycott Ahmadinejad’s UN speech
Labels: BoA, Citigroup fraud, US charges Obama-fundraiser for HSBC
Blogger and San Francisco-based gay activist Michael Petrelis filed a Freedom of Information Act request after the CBS anchorman's death in mid-July for access to FBI documents containing Walter Cronkite's name. The FBI restricts third-party access to information about individuals while they are still alive, but makes it possible for people to request copies of someone else's FBI files after they have passed away.
The FBI's August 25th response, however, indicated only that they may have had files on Cronkite, but if so, those files were likely destroyed roughly two years before Cronkite's death.
Click on the image below to see the complete FBI response letter in PDF format. More
Labels: Exclusive: FBI may have destroyed files on Walter Cronkite
Labels: Arudou Debito on new IC cards for foreigners in Japan
Labels: US may have taken part in failed attempt to oust Chavez - Carter
Labels: The Politics of Fear
"I have never heard one word of gratitude from the Iraqi people about the 4,300 Americans who lost their lives," he exclaimed.
"We went to Iraq to try and free your people and now we're being blamed for sectarian violence," he said. "Don't blame us because that type of bloodlust exists in your society."
A defiant Mutlaq responded, "You were the ones who pushed your troops. We did not invite you."
It was at this point that an exasperated Rohrabacher threw up his hands and stormed out of the room.
It was only in the aftermath of Rohrabacher's tantrum that Rep. Bill Delahunt (D-MA) quietly stated that weapons of mass destruction, and not Iraqi freedom, were the reason the U.S. invaded Iraq. More
Labels: Ungratedul Iraqis
Barack Obama has demanded the Pentagon conduct a radical review of US nuclear weapons doctrine to prepare the way for deep cuts in the country's arsenal, the Guardian can reveal.
Obama has rejected the Pentagon's first draft of the "nuclear posture review" as being too timid, and has called for a range of more far-reaching options consistent with his goal of eventually abolishing nuclear weapons altogether, according to European officials.
Those options include: More
Obama faces battle with Pentagon hawks to achieve nuclear-free goal
Last Wednesday, President Barack Obama approved the recommendations of his entire national security team to deploy a stronger and more comprehensive missile defence system in Europe. This decision came after a lengthy and in-depth review of our assessment of the threat posed by Iran’s ballistic missile programme, and the technology that we have to confront it. And it is a decision that will leave America stronger, and more capable of defending our troops, our interests, and our allies.
With the president’s decision, we will deploy missile defence sooner than the previous programme, so that we will be able swiftly to counter the threat posed by Iran’s short and medium-range ballistic missiles.
We will deploy missile defence that is more comprehensive than the previous programme, with more interceptors in more places, and a better capacity to protect all of our friends and allies in the region. We will deploy technology that is actually proven so that we do not waste time or taxpayer money, and we will preserve the flexibility to adjust our approach to the threat as it evolves.
This is a stronger and smarter approach than the previous programme. It does what missile defence is actually supposed to do – it defends America and our allies. More
Labels: Revenge of the Hungarian J ew
Labels: 'Israel is a peaceful country '
Labels: Pentagon Shifts To SM-3 For European Missile Defense
Obama Asks NY Gov Not To Run
Labels: NY Governor: I'm Running Whether Obama Likes It Or Not
Labels: Report: IDF, U.S. military to simulate Iran missile strike on Israel
The Justice Department's review of detainee abuse by the CIA will focus on a very small number of cases, including at least one in which an Afghan prisoner died at a secret facility, according to two sources briefed on the matter.
On Friday, seven former CIA directors urged President Obama to end the inquiry, arguing that it would inhibit intelligence operations in the future and demoralize agency employees who believed they had been cleared by previous investigators.
"Attorney General [Eric] Holder's decision to re-open the criminal investigation creates an atmosphere of continuous jeopardy for those whose cases the Department of Justice had previously declined to prosecute," the directors, who served under Republican and Democratic presidents over the past 35 years, wrote in a letter.
Opposition to the probe has grown in the weeks since Holder ordered it, even as the outlines of the inquiry become more clear. More
CIA Torturers Running Scared
Labels: Taliban leader: Brown and Obama are ‘deceiving’ the world over Afghan war
About 30 ships containing radioactive and other poisonous refuse may have been scuttled off the Italian coast in an illegal Mafia operation to dispose of dangerous substances at sea.
Italy’s political opposition yesterday demanded an investigation after the wreck of a cargo vessel containing 120 barrels of potentially radioactive waste was found in waters off the southern province of Calabria. Environmental campaigners said that many more ships containing toxic and radioactive rubbish were believed to lie near by.
The discovery of the Cunsky, sunk in 1992, came after her location was revealed to anti-Mafia investigators by Francesco Fonti, a former member of the ’Ndrangheta, or Calabrian Mafia, who has become an informant. Mr Fonti claimed that the Cunsky contained radioactive material.
Mr Fonti has told police that he had used explosives to sink her and two other waste ships. The introduction of tighter European Union environmental legislation in the 1980s made illegal waste disposal a lucrative business for organised crime. More
Labels: Mafia ‘was paid to sink ships carrying radioactive cargo’
Like many in the southern Russian republic of Ingushetia, Petimat Albakavar lives in terror. "Nobody sleeps properly. We can't because we are listening to every sound, waiting for the police to knock at the door," she says.
On 10 July, Petimat's 26-year-old son, Batyr, was taken away at dawn by armed men claiming to be Ingush police. They appeared at the door and demanded to see the family's passports but refused to show any identification themselves. "As soon as they left I went to all the police stations, but I couldn't find my son. I filed complaints with the police and government officials, but nobody knew anything," says Petimat, her eyes weary with grief and fear.
"Ten days later we found a report on the internet that someone with my son's name, whom they described as a rebel leader, had been killed in the forest. It was Batyr. His passport was with him." More
Labels: Russian killings and kidnaps extend dirty war in Ingushetia
Russia has scrapped a plan to deploy missiles in a region near Poland after President Barack Obama dumped the Bush-era plan for a US missile defense in Eastern Europe, a Russian deputy defence minister said today.
Vladimir Popovkin told Ekho Moskvy radio that Obama's move has made the deployment of Iskander short-range missiles in the Kaliningrad region unnecessary.
"Reason has prevailed over ambitions," Popovkin said. "Naturally, we will cancel countermeasures which Russia has planned in response, such as the (planned) deployment of Iskander missiles in the Kaliningrad region."
Russia staunchly opposed the Bush administration's plan to deploy 10 missile interceptors in Poland and a related radar in the Czech Republic and threatened to respond by deploying the Iskander missiles in its westernmost Baltic Sea region. More
Nato offers to include Russia in defence planning
US sold us out over shield, cries Poland
Barack Obama to meet Dmitry Medvedev in wake of missile decision
Labels: Russia 'scraps plans' for missile deployment near Poland
Labels: India's nuclear power a 'myth'
Shattered Confidence In Europe
Labels: Brezinski Calls for Obama to Shoot Down Israeli Jets
Labels: We must stop S-300 delivery from every country that would want to defend itself from Israeli attack
The CIA directors, who served both Democratic and Republican presidents and include three who worked under President George W. Bush, made their request in a letter Friday to the White House.
Attorney General Eric Holder announced last month that he was appointing an independent counsel to investigate possible incidents of abuse by CIA personnel during interrogations that went beyond guidelines imposed by the Bush administration. More
Labels: free. But my country is still a prisoner of war., Here I am
Soldiers demanded that hospital administrators inform the military of any incoming patients who might be insurgents, after which the military would then decide if said patients would be admitted or not. Fange called the incident "not only a clear violation of globally recognized humanitarian principles about the sanctity of health facilities and staff in areas of conflict, but also a clear breach of the civil-military agreement" between nongovernmental organizations and international forces. More
UN body urges Israel to allow nuclear inspection
How Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal endangers Us All
Zionist Ehud Barak Insists "There Can Be No Debate on Nuclear Disarmament"
Netanyahu orders Russia to Reject Goldstone Gaza report - Ha’aretz
Labels: Netanyahu Warns World to Reject Gaza War Crimes Report