Arm Yourself With The Weapons of Mass Education
"What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think." --Adolf Hitler
The Zionists represent the most dangerous thing that the human race has ever faced, and unless we begin to find ways to drive these bestial savages back into oblivion, then we are ALL doomed. |
The Jewish Peril is real
The "Forgery" (Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion) is master-plan for vast restructuring of society, creation of a new oligarchy and subjugation of millions.
Part 1
Part 2
US military spreading death
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Flights of fancy
The allegations first involved suspicions that Olmert had been receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from US millionaire financier and political donor Morris Moshe Talansky, and possibly other foreigners.
But as investigations continued, allegations widened to include claims that Olmert defrauded charities and other non-government organisations, including the Holocaust Museum and an institution for people with mental disabilities, by submitting expense claims for which he had already been reimbursed.
Olmert has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, but as this is the fifth time Olmert has been investigated for corruption since replacing Ariel Sharon as prime minister in 2006, he has been under intense pressure to resign.
The police have interviewed dozens of witnesses including executives and employees of the various non-profit agencies. They have also raided the offices of travel operator, Rishon Tours and confiscated documents.
Olmert has allegedly told investigators that his family's trips were funded through the use of flight credits, or points, accrued and credited to him by several airlines. But the police allege Olmert did not accumulate enough points to cover all the trips.
The police are now investigating Olmert for a string of offences including serious fraud unlawfully receiving money.
Labels: Flights of fancy
Israeli occupation filmed by 100 Palestinian cameras
Labels: Israeli occupation filmed by 100 Palestinian cameras
Nonaligned countries back Iran's nuclear program
The decision came as supreme Iranian leader Ayatolla Ali Khamenei pledged to continue the country's nuclear program.
Senior Iranian officials depicted the support from a high-level conference of the Nonaligned Movement as deflating claims by the U.S. and its allies that most of the international community wanted Iran to stop enrichment.
The conference's backing, which echoes the group's previous declarations, acts to "remove this notion that the international community opposes the nuclear activities of Iran," said Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki.
Ali Ashgar Soltanieh, Iran's top representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency, said the endorsement from the 115 countries present at the Tehran conference sends a "strong positive signal that the only way is negotiation and dialogue" over the nuclear standoff.
"Get the message," he said, in blunt comments indirectly aimed at the U.S. and its Western allies, the nations at the forefront of accusations that Tehran wants to build nuclear arms. "Come to the negotiating table."
Support was expressed in a three-page declaration in Farsi, translated by The Associated Press. It said the conference "reaffirmed the basic and inalienable right of all states, to develop research, production and use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes."
'SS Liberty' Sails to Challenge Israel
Forty-one years after the American surveillance ship USS Liberty was napalmed, torpedoed and strafed by Israeli naval and air forces during the Six-Day War, another "Liberty" will be setting out from a Cyprus port in August to try to break through the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.
The "SS Liberty" is one of two ships -- along with "SS Free Gaza" -- that will be carrying an international group opposed to Israel's blockade of Gaza. Israel imposed the blockade just over a year ago.
Karin Pally, a spokeswoman in Los Angeles for the group Free Gaza Movement, said the ship was named in honor of 34 Sailors and Marines killed in the attack and to help bring the Gaza issue home to Americans.
Jim Ennes, an officer aboard the original Liberty and author of the book Assault on the Liberty said he was invited to take part in the protest sailing to Gaza but was not able to make it.
Until contacted by for comment, Ennes was unaware that organizers had named one of the ships after the Liberty, but he said he is "absolutely" pleased with the move and wishes he could be there.
Israel attacked the Liberty on June 8, 1967, later saying they thought it was an Egyptian vessel -- though survivors and others have long said the Israeli pilots and sailors knew exactly who they targeted.
Six years ago the legal affairs adviser to the board, retired Capt. Ward Boston, broke his silence to say the investigation was a sham, and that the final version was altered to exonerate the Israelis. Boston died in June.
Pally said the two ships will include about 40 passangers from 16 countries, including Israel and the United States.
"Everyone is committed to non-violence," she said of the participants. "The Free Gaza Movement has arranged with a third party security expert to completely secure and search the boats before they leave Cyprus to make sure there are no weapons or anything dangerous aboard."
The larger of the two ships, the SS Free Gaza, will be equipped with a Web cam and will be posting streaming video to their Web site --
EU agrees to blockade on Iran
However, the EU regulation implementing the latest U.N. resolution on Iran will only be formally adopted next week after a deadline expires for Tehran to reply to an offer by major world powers to start negotiations on its nuclear programme.
The diplomat said Britain, France and Germany, the three EU powers that have been holding exploratory talks with Iran alongside the United States, China and Russia, pressed for the 27-nation bloc to go beyond the U.N. resolution.
"Britain, France, Germany and Italy wanted to be robust and go beyond (U.N. Security Council resolution) 1803 and implement what they had to sacrifice to Russia and China to get it through the Security Council," he said.
The U.N. text calls upon states to "exercise vigilance in entering into new commitments for public provided financial support for trade with Iran", but the EU regulation will urge member states to exercise "restraint".
The U.N. resolution also mentions only inspection of cargoes to and from Iran of aircraft and vessels owned or operated by two named Iranian companies, whereas the EU rules will allow checks on all cargoes to and from Iran.
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana asked Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili at a meeting on July 19 to give a clear answer within two weeks to the offer of formal negotiations if Tehran freezes uranium enrichment.
The West suspects the enrichment is designed to give Iran a nuclear weapons capability. Tehran insists it is purely to generate electricity for civilian purposes.
While EU diplomats said no formal reply had yet arrived, Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, vowed in remarks quoted by state radio on Wednesday that the Islamic Republic would pursue its nuclear path. (Reporting by Yves Clarisse, writing by Paul Taylor; editing by Robert Hart) Reuters
Labels: EU agrees to blockade on Iran
Jew Mass Murderer Kissinger wants Occupation of Iraq To Continue
The U.S. presidential campaign has been so long and so intense that it seems to operate in a cocoon, oblivious to changes that should alter its premises. A striking example is the debate over withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.
Over the past year, many have proposed setting a deadline for withdrawal. Proponents have argued that a date certain would compel the Iraqi government to accelerate the policy of reconciliation; would speed the end of the war; and would enable the United States to concentrate its efforts on more strategically important regions, such as Afghanistan. Above all, they argued, the war was lost, and withdrawal would represent the least costly way to deal with the debacle.
These premises have been overtaken by events. Almost all objective observers agree that major progress has been made on all three fronts of the Iraq war: Al-Qaeda, the Sunni jihadist force recruited largely from outside the country, seems on the run in Iraq; the indigenous Sunni insurrection attempting to restore Sunni predominance has largely died down; and the Shiite-dominated government in Baghdad has, at least temporarily, mastered the Shiite militias that were challenging its authority. After years of disappointment, we face the need to shift gears mentally to consider emerging prospects of success. Henry A. Kissinger Washington Post
Labels: Jew Mass Murderer Kissinger wants Occupation of Iraq To Continue
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
‘Let’s Do’ Iraq in Order to ‘Handle the Iranians From Closer Quarters’
Flashback: Late January 2002: Bush Officials said: ‘Let’s Do’ Iraq in Order to ‘Handle the Iranians From Closer Quarters’
Uzi Arad
Israeli officials tell Bush officials shortly after the president’s “axis of evil” speech that of the three countries on the list—Iran, Iraq, and North Korea- Iraq is a distant third as far as posing any threat to its neighbors. But Bush officials have a plan.
According to former Mossad director of intelligence Uzi Arad, who served as Benjamin Netanyahu’s foreign policy advisor, those officials respond,
“Let’s do first things first. Once we do Iraq, we’ll have a military presence in Iraq, which would enable us to handle the Iranians from closer quarters, would give us more leverage.”
Netanyahu, in the years following his term as Israel’s prime minister, will become an outspoken advocate for military strikes against Iran—Vanity Fair, 3/2007.
Let us Reiterate What Time It Is
Labels: ‘Let’s Do’ Iraq in Order to ‘Handle the Iranians From Closer Quarters’
C.I.A. Outlines Pakistan Links With Militants
The C.I.A. emissary presented evidence showing that members of the spy service had deepened their ties with some militant groups that were responsible for a surge of violence in Afghanistan, possibly including the suicide bombing this month of the Indian Embassy in Kabul, the officials said.
The decision to confront Pakistan with what the officials described as a new C.I.A. assessment of the spy service’s activities seemed to be the bluntest American warning to Pakistan since shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks about the ties between the spy service and Islamic militants.NY Times
Queen’s stockbroker raided by police
The Queen’s stockbroker Cazenove has been caught up in Britain’s biggest ever crackdown on insider trading.
Eight people were arrested in dawn raids yesterday by the City watchdog the Financial Services Authority.
Cazenove admitted that one of the arrested worked at its London offices as a sub-contractor.
A 40-strong team from the FSA swooped on addresses in London and the South East with back-up from City of London police.
They are believed to have seized computers and paperwork.
The FSA says insider dealing - in which privileged information is used to make profits from share prices - is rife among financial institutions.
Yesterday’s swoop is the fourth this year, and the watchdog warns that more are to come as part of a ‘major ongoing investigation’.
The news is further embarrassment for Cazenove, which only last week had its reputation sullied over insider dealing allegations.
Malcolm Calvert, 64, a former trader and partner of Cazenove, was charged with 12 counts of insider dealing involving £1million worth of shares. He denies the charges.
A spokesman for Cazenove said last night: ‘We can confirm that a sub-contractor in a support function for Cazenove was one of the eight people arrested by the FSA.’
The prestigious bank can trace its history back to the 17th century.
Nukewar on the horizon
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has agreed to explore deploying a powerful missile defense targeting radar in Israel, a senior US defense official said Tuesday.
"The idea here is to help Israel create a layered missile defense capability to protect it from all sorts of threats in the region, near and far," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Gates discussed the Israeli request Monday in a meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the official said.
Besides the radar, Gates also agreed to explore sharing missile early warning launch data, as well as US funding for two costly Israeli projects designed to counter short-range rockets and mortars, he said.
The official said deploying the X-band radar was a near-term proposition, adding "all this is moving pretty quickly."
"We are going to station this land-based system there, and the Israelis would plug into it," said the official. AFP
Obama won’t rule out Iran strikeUS assures Israel Iran strike on table
Labels: Nukewar on the horizon
Obama says Israel could strike Iran if sanctions fail
White House hopeful Barack Obama believes Israel will launch a military strike on Iran if nuclear sanctions fail, ABC News reported Wednesday.
The comment was reportedly made in a meeting late Tuesday between Senator Obama and Democratic members of the House of Representatives, following the presidential contender's return from an overseas tour that included Israel.
"Nobody said this to me directly, but I get the feeling from my talks that if the sanctions don't work, Israel is going to strike Iran," an attendee at the meeting quoted Obama as saying, according to ABC.
Obama's national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi declined to comment on the substance of the report.
But she stressed: "Senator Obama has always said that Iran must end its illicit nuclear program.
"He has advocated tough, direct engagement, backed by stronger sanctions to pressure Iran. And, he has made it perfectly clear that Tehran should not wait for a new administration to reach agreement to end its program."
Iran has been slapped with three sets of UN Security Council sanctions over its refusal to halt uranium enrichment, a process that makes nuclear fuel but also the core of an atomic bomb...
In Washington talks Monday, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak urged his US counterpart Robert Gates to keep "all options" open in dealing with Iran's nuclear program, Barak's ministry said.
US warns Iran of diplomatic consequences
Iran will continue on its nuclear path
Labels: Obama says Israel could strike Iran if sanctions fail
Boeing Airborne Laser Team Begins Testing Laser With Chemical Fuel
Boeing , industry teammates and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency have completed installing the high-energy laser aboard the Airborne Laser (ABL) aircraft and have begun testing the laser with its chemical fuel at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.
The tests involve flowing the laser’s chemicals through the laser to confirm sequencing and control. Once these tests are completed, the test team will fire the laser aboard the aircraft on the ground for the first time.
“The Airborne Laser team has done a great job preparing the high-energy laser for these fuel tests, which will lead the way toward achieving ‘first light’ of the laser aboard the aircraft,” said Mike Rinn, Boeing vice president and ABL program director.
“Once again, we made and demonstrated enormous progress toward ushering in a new age of directed-energy weapons.”
Repeated laser firings aboard the aircraft will demonstrate lasing duration and power at levels suitable for the destruction of multiple classes of ballistic missiles. The laser will then be fired through the aircraft’s beam control/fire control system, including the nose-mounted turret. More
Labels: Boeing Airborne Laser Team Begins Testing Laser With Chemical Fuel
Strike on Iran still possible, U.S. tells Israel
Ehud Barak, the Israeli defense chief, is visiting as Washington is perceived to be softening its stance toward Tehran.
WASHINGTON -- Bush administration officials reassured Israel's defense minister this week that the United States has not abandoned all possibility of a military attack on Iran, despite widespread Israeli concern that Washington has begun softening its position toward Tehran.
In meetings Monday and Tuesday, administration officials told Defense Minister Ehud Barak that the option of attacking Iran over its nuclear program remains on the table, though U.S. officials are primarily seeking a diplomatic solution.
At the same time, U.S. officials acknowledged that there is a rare divergence in the U.S. and Israeli approaches, with Israelis emphasizing the possibility of a military response out of concern that Tehran may soon have the know-how for building a nuclear bomb.
"Is there a difference of emphasis? It certainly looks as though there is," said a senior American Defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity when discussing the sensitive talks. LATimes
Jewish lawyer charged with spying
Emmanuel Zeltser, who is a New York-based 'specialist in Russian law and organized crime', was arrested in March.
He is also accused of drug offences and all three charges could carry a sentence of seven years imprisonment.
"Under Belarusian law, he faces up to seven years in prison if found guilty," said his lawyer, Dmitry Goryachko.
The drugs charges were added to Zeltser's original charges when Belarus's security service said that Zeltser was found to be carrying 100 narcotic tablets. However, his lawyer maintains that the tablets were for treating a back complaint.
Zeltser was born in Russia but immigrated to the US and is a director of the American Russian Law Institute, promoting “legal reform” in Russia.
He was traveling to Belarus in order to represent the interests of Josef Kay, a relative of the late Georgian businessman Badri Patarkatsishvili.
The late Georgian tycoon Badri Patarkatsishvili was a former business partner of fugitive Russian billionaire Boris Berezovsky. After Patarkatsishvili died in February 2008, his estate became the center of a legal dispute between the Georgian businessman's wife, supported by Berezovsky, and Patarkatsishvili's distant cousin Joseph Kay, represented by Zeltser.
Lord Goldsmith caught up in 'oligarch riddle'
NAM calls for creation of Palestinian state
![]() The 15th Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, Tehran |
The 15th Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement (Nam), concluded on Wednesday, ratified its members implacable solidarity with the cause of the Palestinian people.
On the final day of its gathering in Tehran, the 118-member movement in a statement said the United Nations should stop Israel's genocide in the occupied territories in a reference to the UN resolutions supporting the Palestinian cause.
The statement said that Israel must stop its daily blatant genocide against the Palestinian civilians that goes unpunished.
NAM foreign ministers called for the creation of a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem (al-Quds) as its capital, urging the formation of an international conference to debate the issue.
The two-day summit was attended by ministers and representatives of more than 70 member states as well as representatives of 15 observer states and eight international and regional organizations, on July 29 and 30. PressTV
Pakistan warns that US-India nuclear deal could lead to new arms race
Pakistan warned the international community yesterday that a deal allowing India to import US atomic fuel and technology could accelerate a nuclear arms race between Delhi and Islamabad.
The warning was made in a letter addressed to more than 60 nations as the Indian Government, having survived a no-confidence vote on Tuesday, dispatched diplomats to clear the deal with international regulators.
Later, in a concession to Islamabad, the United States said that it planned to shift $230 million (£116 million) in aid to Pakistan away from counter-terrorism to upgrading its F16 fighter jets seen as crucial for maintaining military parity with India. That announcement came four days before Yousuf Raza Gilani, Pakistan’s new Prime Minister, is due to meet President Bush at the White House for talks on co-operation in combating Islamic extremists.
Pakistan is a key US ally in the War on Terror and has long complained that India’s nuclear deal, agreed in 2005, will upset the strategic balance of South Asia by endorsing it as a nuclear weapons state.
India and Pakistan both tested nuclear weapons in 1999, but cannot buy nuclear supplies from most countries because they refuse to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
The nuclear deal bypasses that by lifting a US ban on nuclear sales to India imposed after Delhi tested its first nuclear device in 1974. London Times
Labels: Pakistan warns that US-India nuclear deal could lead to new arms race
Kucinich Impeachment petition deadline Tonight at Midnight.
Dear Friends,
Because of your vigilance and support for democracy, last Friday was a day of singular importance in Washington. The House Judiciary Committee met to discuss the Bush Administration's abuse of executive power and for the first time the case for Impeachment was discussed in front of a Congressional committee, in depth, at length and with authority.
Twenty members of the Judiciary Committee attended the six hour hearing, during which twelve witnesses, including myself and four members of Congress testified. In this hearing I called for the Impeachment of the President for misrepresenting a case for war.
This week I will present members of Congress with Impeachment petitions submitted by those of you who have signed the on-line impeachment form.
I need your help. In the next few days we must redouble our efforts to get more signatures on the online petition at I'm asking each of you to please contact at least ten of your friends to go to now and sign the Impeachment petition that will be delivered by me. Wednesday night is the deadline.
Please send out an email to all your friends and family, post this link, to your blogs and make this effort count as this is the only petition that I will deliver.
Sign the petition.
Thank you so very much.
Signature - Dennis J Kucinich
Labels: Kucinich Impeachment petition deadline Tonight at Midnight.
Zionist Mass Murderer to replace Prime Monster Olmer
Likud Party Chairman Benjamin Hitler Netanyahu is the Israeli public's preferred choice to replace Prime Monster Ehud Olmert, according to a survey released by Channel 10.
The survey was released shortly after Olmert announced his decision to resign from office as soon as the Kadima party picks a new leader on September 17, and will not run in the upcoming primaries.
When those polled were asked to pick between Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, and Defense Minister Ehud Barak for future prime minister, 36 percent said they preferred Hitler Netanyahu, as opposed to 24.6 percent who chose Livni. Barak was chosen by 11.9 percent of respondents, significantly less than the fourth choice "none of the above," which garnered 19 percent.
Netanyahu scored higher when Livni's name was replaced by Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz in the survey, with 36.6 percent of respondents picking him, over 14.8 percent for Barak, 12 percent for Mofaz, and 27.4 percent for "none of the above."
Furthermore, when asked if they were happy with Olmert's performance as prime minister, 77.3% of land thieves said they were not satisfied. Zionist Press
Labels: Zionist Mass Murderer to replace Prime Monster Olmer
U.S. to provide Israel with defense systems against Iran strike
The United States will soon link Israel up to two advanced missile detection systems as a precaution against any future attack by a nuclear-armed Iran, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Tuesday.
The allies are also in advanced talks on upgrading Israel's Arrow II ballistic shield, though they disagree over whether it should incorporate an American interceptor missile, Barak said after meeting U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Washington has been leading efforts to curb Iran's atomic ambitions through sanctions, mindful of Israel's threats to resort to military strikes if it deems diplomacy a dead end.
Barak told reporters that the Israeli and U.S. governments "see eye to eye on the need to keep all options on the table ... though we may not agree on each and every detail."
"It's important the Americans understand our position, and I think that they understand it a lot better after this visit," said Barak, who was one of the more vocal Israeli critics of a U.S. intelligence report last year that concluded Iran had shelved a military nuclear program in 2003.
Labels: U.S. to provide Israel with defense systems against Iran strike
Acts of War
This wanton violation of a nation's sovereignty would not be tolerated if the tables were turned and Americans were being subjected to Iranian-funded covert actions which took the lives of Americans, on American soil, and destroyed American property and livelihood.
Many Americans remain unaware of what is transpiring abroad in their name. Many of those who are cognizant of these activities are supportive of them, an outgrowth of misguided sentiment which holds Iran accountable for a list of grievances used by the U.S. government to justify the ongoing global war on
Iran, we are told, is not just a nation pursuing nuclear weapons, but is the largest state sponsor of terror in the world today. Scott Ritter
Labels: Acts of War
Justice Department authorized CIA to torture prisoners in its custody
Memo Instructed CIA To Document Both Torture Techniques And Agents Participating In Interrogations
CONTACT: (212) 549-2666;

"These documents supply further evidence, if any were needed, that the Justice Department authorized the CIA to torture prisoners in its custody," said Jameel Jaffer, Director of the ACLU National Security Project. "The Justice Department twisted the law, and in some cases ignored it altogether, in order to permit interrogators to use barbaric methods that the U.S. once prosecuted as war crimes."
One of the documents obtained by the ACLU today is a redacted version of a previously undisclosed Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) opinion from August 2002 that authorizes the CIA to use specific interrogation methods, including waterboarding. The memo states that interrogation methods that cause severe mental pain do not amount to torture under U.S. law unless they cause "harm lasting months or even years after the acts were inflicted upon the prisoners." Initially, the CIA took the position that it could not confirm or deny the existence of this memo; it dropped that position after President Bush disclosed in September 2006 that the CIA had been operating detention centers overseas.
The other two documents, from 2003 and 2004, are memos from the CIA related to requests for legal advice from the Justice Department. The 2003 memo shows that CIA interrogators were authorized by OLC to use torture practices known as "enhanced interrogation techniques." The memo also indicates that, for each session in which these techniques were used, the CIA documented, among other things, "the nature and duration of each such technique employed" and "the identities of those present." The documentation relating to the CIA's torture sessions, including the names of agents who participated, is still being withheld.
The 2004 memo shows that CIA interrogators were told that the Justice Department had concluded that certain interrogation techniques, including "the waterboard," did not constitute torture. The document also indicates that, after the Supreme Court ruled in June 2004 that courts can decide whether foreign nationals held in Guantánamo Bay were rightfully imprisoned, CIA interrogators were told to take into account the possibility their actions would ultimately be subject to judicial review. More
Labels: Justice Department authorized CIA to torture prisoners in its custody
Washington Post Says Netanyahu Got 3/4 of His Campaign Donations From U.S. Right Wingers
Last night at dinner my sister asked me Why if everyone and his brother is for the two-state solution is there not a real push for a two-state solution? The easy answer is that the Israel lobby in the U.S., which has virtually set policy, is dominated by the right wing. The neocons are Our Likud, and they have been in every ruling coalition in the U.S. since 92, allowing further colonization.
Again, J Street (for all my misgivings) must be seen as a powerful break with this pattern, an effort to redeem the Jewish people from neoconservatism. Rami Khouri referred to J Street hopefully in the lecture I heard the other night. And J Street seems to have licensed journalism on the Israel lobby in a way that Walt and Mearsheimer were not able to. Here is a fabulous piece by Griff Witte in the Washington Post, exposing the way that rightwingers in the U.S. have sustained Binyamin Netanyahu's wannabe restoration in Israel, to put a kibosh on the peace process. The U.S. swagmen gather at intimate events where you're told, If you like what you heard, just leave a check on your chair.
Former prime minister and Likud Party leader Binyamin Netanyahu, for instance, received approximately $400,000 -- 75 percent of his donations for a 2007 primary -- from U.S. contributors, according to the Israeli comptroller's office...
Jeremy Ben-Ami, executive director of J Street, a new U.S.-based lobbying firm that supports dovish Israeli positions, said it is no surprise that hawkish Israeli politicians benefit most from U.S. money.
"The American Jews who hold the more conservative views toward Israel are also the ones who tend to be most actively engaged with Israel," Ben-Ami said. "Liberal American Jews tend not to single out Israel as the focus of their philanthropy."
I don't understand why this isn't a scandal here, why all the interconnections in Netanyahu's network of supporters, from Sheldon Adelson to Irving Moskowitz of AEI to Dore Gold (who gets $96,000 a year as a "scholar" from the AEI) to Doug Feith are not exposed, and the dual-loyalty of the thing blasted into the sunlight. Grant Smith wrote a book about The Clean Break, the neocons' blueprint for Netanyahu in '96, and Walt and Mearsheimer wrote about the blueprint in their book, in the context of an "overlapping set of [neoconservative] Washington-based think tanks, committees and publications." Smith and W&M were called conspiracy theorists. Actually, it's just journalism. Thank God the Post is getting on the case.
P.S. Obama met with Netanyahu in Israel. Why did he do that? Who owns Obama? Why can't he shun Netanyahu? Where is J Street on that? Mondoweiss
Labels: Washington Post Says Netanyahu Got 3/4 of His Campaign Donations From U.S. Right Wingers
WeAreCHANGE meets Nancy Pelosi AGAIN
Nancy Pelosi was brought into the House in order to push for impeachment as well as an end to the war in Iraq... to date, she has done none of this!
Recently, members of WeAreCHANGE confronted Mrs. Pelosi at the New York Times Center in Manhattan about these facts.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Blackwater Got the Gig Securing Obama in Afghanistan
Labels: Blackwater Got the Gig Securing Obama in Afghanistan
"Operation Sarkozy"
A most interesting study dated 14th July 2008 by Thierry Meyssan, entitled Operation Sarkozy, has been brought to my attention on how the CIA managed to place one of its agents, namely Mr Nicolas Sarkozy, as president of the
To make his point, Mr Meyssan does not content himself with vague conjecture, but puts together checkable facts relating to the relationship between our President and the CIA (the well-known terrorist organisation financed by the tax-payers in the USA), and the USA establishment in general, with a view to ensuring that French policy should be dramatically re-aligned to serve the interests of the present USA administration (not, of course, the people of the USA).
The links between various arms of the
Acceptance of the arguments put forward by Mr Meyssan serves to explain many of the otherwise seemingly inexplicable decisions made by Mr Sarkozy since he took over from Jacques Chirac in 2007, as well as giving very personal private reasons (previously totally unknown to me, but then I am not a fan of the gossip columns) for the obvious dislike, and perhaps even hatred, which Mr Chirac has for his successor. "Operation Sarkozy"
Labels: "Operation Sarkozy"
Together We can defeat the NWO
Labels: Together We can defeat the NWO
Richard Perle, 911 Terrorist and Iraq War Architect Linked To Iraq Oil Deal,
The Wall Street Journal reports that t he Prince of Darkness Jew Richard Perle the Neo Chutzpah war criminal is getting back into Iraq:
Influential Israeli dual citizen and former Pentagon official Richard Perle has been exploring going into the oil business in Iraq and Kazakhstan, according to people with knowledge of the matter and documents outlining possible deals.
Perle, one of a group of 'security experts' who began pushing the lies for toppling Saddam Hussein about a decade ago, has been discussing a possible deal with officials of northern Iraq's Kurdistan regional government, including its Washington envoy, according to these people and the documents.
Think Progress remembers that Perle "resigned from his position on the Defense Policy Board in an attempt to 'defuse a controversy over charges he stood to profit from the war in Iraq.'"
Seymour Hersh Exposes New US Covert Operations In Iran
Read Hersh's full report here.
Watch Hersh discuss his article on CNN below:
Labels: Seymour Hersh Exposes New US Covert Operations In Iran
How to Perform a Citizen's Arrest of A Bush Administration Official
The news that 4 people had been arrested in Iowa while trying to perform a citizen's arrest on Karl Rove got me wondering: Can we arrest Bush administration officials ourselves? So I slogged through a slew of state statutes, and as it turns out, the answer is yes. But only if you live in certain particular states.
Citizen's arrests have a long, rich tradition dating back hundreds of years. Because the power of ordinary people to help law enforcement execute its duties is important, nearly every state has some sort of statute on the books permitting citizen detentions of suspected criminals.
However, while most states allow citizen's arrests, the majority require the presence of the citizen performing the arrest during the crime. A number of states have more flexible language in their laws, though. The California Penal Code, for example says the following:
837. A private person may arrest another:
1. For a public offense committed or attempted in his presence.
2. When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not
in his presence.
3. When a felony has been in fact committed, and he has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it. More
Labels: How to Perform a Citizen's Arrest of A Bush Administration Official
First Look at ‘W’ (8 years later)
Labels: First Look at ‘W’
George Bush blasted by Pakistan PM
PAKISTAN'S Prime Minister lashed out at George W. Bush during talks in Washington yesterday, "reproaching" the US President over a US Hellfire drone missile strike inside Pakistani territory only hours before the leaders met.
The missile strike that reportedly killed an al-Qa'ida (Bollocks) chemical and biological weapons expert came hours before new Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani met Mr Bush and warned him not to launch "unilateral" strikes on Pakistani soil.
Speaking immediately after his meeting with the US President, Mr Gilani said: "This action should not have been taken by the United States. It's our job because we are fighting the war for ourselves."
If the missile strike was proven to have been a US operation, it would be a violation of Pakistani sovereignty, he said.
"Basically, Americans are a little impatient. Therefore in the future I think we'll have more co-operation on the intelligence side and we'll do the job ourselves," Mr Gilani said.
But US officials strongly defended the missile strike that was claimed to have killed Abu Khabab al-Masri, al-Qa'ida's Egyptian-born chemical and biological weapons expert.
Mr Gilani, who has been under pressure to do more to combat al-Qa'ida and Taliban militants in Pakistan, told reporters after his meeting at the White House that Pakistan was committed to fighting extremists.
"We are committed to fight against those extremists and terrorists who are destroying and making the world not safe," Mr Gilani said.
Pakistan has been a key US ally in the war on terror since the September 11, 2001, attacks and has received an estimated $10billion in mostly military aid over the past six years.
But Mr Gilani's remarks revealed the growing tension between Islamabad and Washington over how to tackle the militants, many of whom have been sheltering in northern Pakistan since being driven out of Afghanistan by a US-led invasion in late 2001.
Monday, 28 July 2008
The Vast and Dangerous Transfer of American Spying to Mercenary Companies
Chalmers Johnson has produced a superb new article on what privatization has meant to the U.S. Intelligence Community.
Focusing on Tim Shorrock's new book, Spies for Hire, Johnson traces the history of "the wholesale transfer of military and intelligence functions to private, often anonymous operatives" from Ronald Reagan's day to the present, reminding us of just how crucial the Clinton administration was to this development. He also lays out just what can happen when the intelligence budget soars and startling amounts of it are placed in private, for-profit hands. Not only, he claims, has the privatization of intelligence made it easier for enemies to penetrate American intelligence and greased the slippery slope to the loss of professionalism within the community of intelligence analysts, but, perhaps most serious of all, it has ensured the loss of the most valuable asset any intelligence organization possesses -- its institutional memory.
Johnson concludes: "The current situation represents the worst of all possible worlds. Successive administrations and Congresses have made no effort to alter the CIA's role as the president's private army, even as we have increased its incompetence by turning over many of its functions to the private sector. We have thereby heightened the risks of war by accident, or by presidential whim, as well as of surprise attack because our government is no longer capable of accurately assessing what is going on in the world and because its intelligence agencies are so open to pressure, penetration, and manipulation of every kind." More
Labels: The Vast and Dangerous Transfer of American Spying to Mercenary Companies
Kosher Obama
Supporting Israel is supporting terrorism. Obama will use your tax money to finance more genocides. Obama, 100% Kosher Zionist! Do NOT be fooled by the lies of the zionist media.
Labels: Kosher Obama
Zionist Blackwater and Israeli Commandos After Katrina
Labels: Zionist Blackwater and Israeli Commandos After Katrina
India, Pakistan in Kashmir clash
An Indian soldier has been killed by Pakistani troops who crossed the Line of Control dividing the disputed territory of Kashmir, India says.
![]() Indian and Pakistani troops have observed a ceasefire since 2003 |
A spokesman for the Indian army, Anil Kumar Mathur, told the BBC that 10 to 12 Pakistani soldiers had entered Indian territory.
He said that shots were exchanged after an argument, and that firing had continued until Monday evening.
India and Pakistan have fought two wars over Kashmir.
Lt Col Mathur said that the Pakistani troops were protesting over an Indian post set up on the Line of Control (LoC) in Nowgam sector.
He said that one Indian soldier was wounded before the Pakistani soldiers retreated to their side of the LoC, firing at Indian soldiers as they did so. Indian troops returned fire and clashes are reported to be continuing.
Pakistan's army spokesman said he had no information on the clash.
It is not yet clear whether any Pakistani troops were killed or injured.
The BBC's Altaf Hussain in Srinagar - the summer capital of Indian-administered Kashmir - says that that two sides have on several occasions accused each other of violating the ceasefire along the LoC since it was declared in November 2003.
Our correspondent says that despite the alleged violations, the ceasefire has so far held after months of relative peace. BBC
Labels: India, Pakistan in Kashmir clash
India to train US 'Green Berets' in jungle warfare
The 30-member US team will train in the army-run Counter-Insurgency Jungle Warfare School from August 2 in the rebellion-torn northeastern state of Mizoram, they said.
"The training schedule involves methodologies to tackle terrorism and low intensity conflicts," an Indian commander said on condition he was not named.
An equal number of Indian military personnel will team up with the visiting Green Berets at the school where some 250 US soldiers had been trained in the past four years.
"The US soldiers would share their experiences in tackling urban terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan, while the Indians would pass on their tactics used in Kashmir and other parts of the northeast," he added.
Earlier this month Indian war jets left for the US to take part for the first time in multinational aerial war games codenamed the "Red Flag" beginning August 9 and billed as the world's toughest.
In September last year, New Delhi hosted naval exercises involving 29 warships and 160 fighter aircraft from the United States, Australia, Japan and Singapore in the Indian Ocean. More
Usraeli defense chiefs to meet
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman confirmed that Gates and Barak would meet but would say only that it was for “standard defense consultative discussions.”
The meeting comes amid a continuing diplomatic impasse with Iran over its nuclear programme and just two days after Tehran announced that its uranium enrichment facility in Natanz has now expanded to 6,000 centrifuges.
In an interview with Israeli public radio, Amos Gilad, a senior adviser to Barak, said the defense minister would “discuss the threat posed by the Iranian nuclear programme.”
“This is a very important visit. Israel cannot tolerate living under an Iranian nuclear threat,” Gilad said. “For the moment our priority is the diplomatic track, but Israel has to be prepared to use all options.”
Barak also was expected to meet with Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and members of Congress, according to Israeli officials.
Labels: Usraeli defense chiefs to meet
Domestic Military Operations At Camp Pendleton?
For 2 months at Camp Pendleton there have been military operations on an increasing scale and the local news have provided sanitized versions of these ops. With an upcoming attack on Iran and who knows what other nations. A crumbling economy heading for massive inflation, political unrest, police state measures, etc. It’s only a matter of time before that tyranny becomes full blown.
This interview contain an eyewitness to the drills occurring at Red Beach which were protected lands. See here:…….
One thing for certain, we’re being transformed into classical tyranny day by day. You can learn more by visiting:……
Bush’s Martial Law Plan Is So Shocking, Even Congress Can’t See it…
Top DOJ Lawyers Spoke ‘In Codes’ For Fear Of Being Wiretapped By White House ‘Lunatics’
Mayer remembered one top Justice Department lawyer and “very conservative member of this administration” who said that after participating in White House meetings authorizing torture, he believed that “lunatics had taken over the country.”
Mayer said two other top DOJ lawyers had to develop a system of speaking codes because they feared they were being wiretapped while others described an “atmosphere of intimidation,” mainly from Vice President Dick Cheney:
MAYER: There was such an atmosphere of intimidation. … They felt so endangered in some ways that, at one point, two of the top lawyers from the Justice Department developed this system of talking in codes to each other because they thought they might be being wiretapped…by their own government. They felt like they might be kind of weirdly in physical danger. They were actually scared to stand up to Vice President Cheney.
Watch it:
Mayer later said that “there is a paper trail” documenting U.S. torture policies “that goes right to the top of our govenment” and that Congress “is beginning to” get to the truth and “piece it together.”
Mayer added that the truth to the White House policies is “a humungous jigsaw puzzle” because “there are many, many secrets we still don’t know. There are legal memos that nobody’s ever seen.” Think Progress
Labels: Top DOJ Lawyers Spoke ‘In Codes’ For Fear Of Being Wiretapped By White House ‘Lunatics’
Street Videography is Terrorism in England
France stands against WTO deal
French President Nicolas Sarkozy |
"Today, the cabinet considers that the project currently on the table is not acceptable as it stands, to the extent that it shows no advance on elements which are altogether essential in our eyes," French Government spokesman Luc Chatel said.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy complained to European Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso about WTO's proposed deal after his Thursday warnings were ignored by EU's Chief Trade Negotiator Peter Mandelson.
Sarkozy also demanded the EU's Chief Trade Negotiator Peter Mandelson's travel to Paris to explain his position, but his demand was refused.
On Thursday, the French president warned that he would not sign the deal if it was not modified, but Mandelson ignored the warning.
'I have no reaction, except to say that the Commission is charged with negotiating here at the WTO on behalf of all the member states and we will continue to do so on the basis of the mandate we have,' the EU's chief trade negotiator said.
Paris believes that the trade pact at WTO talks in Geneva would not protect the European industrial interests in the face of emerging countries.
U.S. accuses China, India of threatening WTO round
Labels: France stands against WTO deal
Zionist Project for the New American Century in Tatters
Russia will create 5-6 aircraft carrier groups in the Northern and Pacific Fleets, the Navy commander said on Sunday.
Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky said the Navy command had decided to build sea-borne aircraft carrier systems for these fleets instead of simply aircraft carriers.
"Everything must work in a system, including aircraft carriers. We have called them sea-borne aircraft carrier systems, which will be based in the Northern and Pacific Fleets. The construction of such systems will begin after 2012," Vysotsky said before reviewing a military parade on the occasion of Navy Day in Russia.
Vysotsky said new sea-borne aircraft carrier systems will operate in close contact with Russia's orbital group of military satellites, and also with the Air Force and air defense.
At present, Russia has only one operational aircraft carrier, the Nikolai Kuznetsov, which was commissioned in the early 1990s and has recently re-entered service after a prolonged overhaul.
The ship, also known as Project 1143.5 heavy aircraft carrier, is currently deployed with Russia's Northern Fleet and has recently participated in a two-month tour to the Mediterranean as part of Russia's plans to resume its continual presence in different regions of the world's seas.
Russia could place bombers in Latin America, N.AfricaRussian strategic bombers may soon be deployed at airbases in Cuba, Venezuela and Algeria as a response to the U.S. missile shield in Europe and NATO's expansion, Russian daily Izvestia said on Thursday.
Moscow has strongly opposed the possible deployment by the U.S. of 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and an accompanying tracking radar in the Czech Republic as a threat to its national security. Washington says the defenses are needed to deter a possible strike from Iran, or other "rogue" states.
Moscow has also expressed concern over NATO's expansion to Russia's borders and pledged to take "appropriate measures" to counter the U.S. and NATO moves.
Izvestia cited sources in the Russian Defense Ministry as saying that crews of Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers recently visited Cuba and conducted an inspection of a site and facilities for a possible forward landing airfield that could be used as a refueling stopover for Russian strategic bombers.
Russia resumed strategic bomber patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans last August, following an order signed by former president Vladimir Putin.
At present the Russian military is considering the possibility of establishing so-called "jump-up" bases in various regions of the world to provide refueling and maintenance support for the patrolling bombers.
"The flight to the U.S. [from southern Russia where the bombers are based] takes about 10 hours and even with two mid-air refuellings the aircraft can spend only 1.5 hours near the U.S. coast," said Gen. of the Army Pyotr Deinekin, former commander of the Russian Air Force.
The use of forward landing airfields in Latin America would practically erase the time constraints for the Russian bombers and make their presence near the U.S. borders almost permanent, the general said.
If a political decision is made, Cuba will most likely host Russian Il-78 aerial tankers, which will provide nuclear-capable strategic bombers with mid-air refueling, sources in the Defense Ministry told Izvestia.
Both Tu-160 and Tu-95MS bombers have been recently modernized and fitted with new X-555 cruise missiles with a range of over 3,500 km (2,200 miles). Therefore, the bombers do not have to be permanently based near the U.S. borders to hit any target on U.S. territory in case of a potential conflict.
In the meantime, the bombers may be primarily used to spy on the United States using electronic means, much like the former Russian SIGINT station at Lourdes near Havana, which was closed in 2002.
However, another Russian publication, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, said on Thursday that the ambitious plans of Russian politicians and some military commanders may be nothing more than "saber-rattling in empty air."
The prospect of maintaining refueling posts for Russian bombers all over the world would require an enormous amount of investment in construction of infrastructure, fuel supplies and re-supplies.
The Russian defense budget simply does not have sufficient resources to ensure the implementation of these plans, the newspaper said.
Russian bombers with nuclear missiles on board policing the globe would only harm Russia's image in the international arena, and it is unlikely that their presence near the U.S. borders will scare the Americans.
The U.S. military consider long-range bombers an obsolete and highly vulnerable component of the nuclear triad. The Pentagon stopped strategic bomber patrols almost two decades ago.
Putin vows to back domestic production of military hardware parts and developing and producing small, medium and long-range air defense missile systems, radars and automated control systems.Labels: Zionist Project for the New American Century in Tatters
Mission failed
In February 2008, a B-2 stealth bomber crashed shortly after takeoff from the Andersen Air Force base in Guam. In April, a B-1B strategic bomber exploded after landing at the Al-Udeid Air Base in the United Arab Emirates.
Even though the immediate cause for the crash of B-52 has not been named yet, it is likely to have something to do with its venerable age. These planes went into mass production in 1953-1963, and B-52H planes entered operational service in 1960-1963, making their average age about 47 years.
The B-52 has been repeatedly modernized, but the modernization that improved the plane's equipment and weapons could not give new life to the worn-out superstructure, while capital repairs can prolong the life of the plane but not make it immortal. At the same time, however, the B-52 is not on the way out as a combat vehicle because there is no adequate substitute available. Indeed, it is likely to stay in service up to 2040's.
This seems absurd, especially when the U.S. has developed several types of strategic bombers to replace the B-52. Its first attempt was the XB-70 Valkyrie, but this supersonic bomber turned out to be too expensive and the program was cancelled.
The second was the B-1A bomber developed in 1960-1970's. However, by the late 70's this plane, which was equipped only with bombs, seemed to be obsolete. Instead, the U.S. started developing the B-1B. But even the modernized version could not carry ALCM long-range standoff attack missiles, but only shorter-range SRAM missiles.
As a result, the B-52H equipped with long-range missiles remained the main strategic workhorse of the U.S. Air Force. Moreover, in accordance with the Soviet-American agreements on nuclear weapon reduction, the B-1B lost its SRAM missiles, which were eliminated, and since then has been carrying only bombs (although the U.S. is planning to bring into service the new JASSM cruise missile).
The last strategic bomber to be developed was the B-2, which went into production in the beginning of the 1990's. But this replacement for the B-52 turned out to be too expensive even for the American budget - one aircraft cost about $1.5 bn. As a result, the U.S. only produced 20 B-2s and kept the B-52 in service.
At this moment there is no alternative to the B-52. It is the only aircraft that can fulfill all the tasks of strategic aviation, from carpet-bombing to strikes on well-protected targets using long-range high-accuracy missiles. The development of a new aircraft that would replace all thee planes is at the pre-design stage. Taking into account the terms and the cost of modern planes, it is possible that the B-52, like its Russian counterpart the Tu-95, will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its operational service. We don't have to wait long - only until 2055. (INFOgraphic)
Labels: Mission failed
Gates omits Israel from 'close' US allies
![]() US Defense Secretary Robert Gates |
"Our closest allies - the UK, Australia, and Canada. Other long-standing alliances - NATO, Japan and South Korea foremost among them. We will work to expand and strengthen other relationships, including with India," says the yet unpublished US National Defense Strategy for 2008 which appears on
The soon-to-be-published document is set to replace an earlier version released by Donald Rumsfeld in 2005, Haaretz reported on Monday.
Israel appears in numerous official US defense documents as an important US ally but is notably missing from this latest paper which conveys the Defense Secretary's directives to the US armed forces.
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is seen as a pragmatist within the Bush administration. He replaced Donald Rumsfeld in 2006. PressTV
![]() | Gates: Iran war last thing US needs |
![]() | 'US revising policy towards Iran' |
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Campaign against Indian Muslims after Mossad blasts
AHMEDABAD: Extremist Hindu organization Visva Hindu Prasad has begun campaign against the Muslims after a series of Mossad bomb blasts in Gujarat and announced to launch a movement against 'Jihadi terrorism' in India from tomorrow.
During this movement, Visva Hindu Prasad will hold rallies, meetings and demonstrations all over the country.
Geeneral-secretary of the organization Praveen Togarya blamed the Indian government that it supports the Muslims due to which jihadi terrorism is increasing in the country.
He severely criticized the government policy for allocating quota for the Muslims in armed forces and other departments in India.
The extremist leader demanded from the government to close down all madrassas.
They Wanted War, And They Got It
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of deaths construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds, oh lord yeah!
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor
Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!
Now in darkness, world stops turning
As the war machine keeps burning
No more war pigs of the power
Hand of God has sturck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees, the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings
All right now!
Labels: And They Got It, They Wanted War
Pakistan has right to retaliate if allied forces attacked: President
Talking to a senior advisor of the US think-tank Dr Hormon Olmen in Rawalpindi, President Musharaf asserted that the Afghan-based Nato forces are not being attacked from the Pakistani soil nor is any cross-border activity taking place from here.
According to sources, the President reiterated that a stable Afghanistan in the interest of Pakistan and said baseless allegations against Pakistan could affect the war on terror. Dr. Olmen told the President that the Pak-Afghan border security is a joint responsibility of both the countries and a cooperation between them is the need of the hour. Pakistan Link
Labels: Pakistan has right to retaliate if allied forces attacked: President
The Dictator–A Music Video by Charlie Chaplin and Dan Reed
Dan Reed collaborated with the Chaplin Group to mix the sound and images of the famous, poignant speech from the film “The Great Dictator” with his own vocals, music, and a montage of video clips to create a wonderful new piece of art. You can see and hear Dan in Denver with PDA at Progressive Central, and here:
Lyrics by Charlie Chaplin and Dan Reed, Music by Dan Reed and Brad Fish
Director - Noah Shulman for Sleepless City Productions
Special Thanks to Max Wasa from Liquid Music Group
Labels: The Dictator–A Music Video by Charlie Chaplin and Dan Reed
Change Congress at Netroots Nation
Change Congress is a movement to build support for basic reform in how our government functions. Using our tools, both candidates and citizens can pledge their support for basic changes to reduce the distorting influence of money in Washington. Our community will link candidates committed to a reform with volunteers and contributors who support it.
Change Congress at Netroots Nation
Learn more about the mission and the pledge. Candidates and citizens can take the pledge by clicking on the tabs above. Join us today and help take your district back.
Saturday was a busy one at Netroots Nation in Austin. After a high-energy morning starting with the anticipated Ask The Speaker event, followed by a surprise visit from Al Gore, Lawrence Lessig took the stage to dynamically discuss the ways in which money erodes trust. He gave examples from pharmaceutical issues to copyright law to environmental policy, showing how money is distorting the decisions our leaders are making. Check out the video:Saturday, 26 July 2008
Brzezinski: McCain would start WWIV
![]() Former US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski |
Former US President Jimmy Carter's national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski criticized US officials in Senator McCain's camp for pushing the presumptive Republican nominee toward a radical foreign policy on issues such as Iran.
Brzezinski described McCain's presidency as an 'appalling concept' as it would lead to the World War IV, arguing that from the viewpoint of figures surrounding the Arizona senator the Cold War counted as World War III.
"Well, if McCain is president and if his Secretary of State is Joe Lieberman and his Secretary of Defense is [Rudolph] Giuliani, we will be moving towards the World War IV that they have been both favoring and predicting," Brzezinski cautioned.
Earlier in October 2007, President George W. Bush, who has endorsed John McCain, warned of the eruption of World War III should Iran continue uranium enrichment. Presstv
One Step Beyond was like the Twilight Zone with the exception that all of it was based on true stories.
Ex-Mossad chief says strike on Iran could 'affect us for 100 years'
Halevy, who currently heads the Center for Strategic and Policy Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, added that an Iranian attack on Israel would probably have little impact, because Iranian missiles would largely be intercepted by Israel's advanced anti-missile defense system.
Another former senior Mossad official, who reportedly served during Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's administration, told the American magazine that "Iran's achievement is creating an image of itself as a scary superpower when it's really a paper tiger."
An additional Israeli source told Time that Israel sees the period between the U.S. elections in November and the president's inauguration in January as the "window of opportunity" for a possible attack on Iran. The source explained that any military move against Iran would not be carried out before the elections, because it would negatively impact the presidential candidates, especially Republican candidate John McCain and "No Israel leader wants to be blamed for destroying the Republican chances," Time cited the source as saying.
However, the magazine quoted intelligence sources as saying that an Israeli attack on Iran would likely stall the Islamic republic's nuclear aspirations only by "a year or two."
Launching a long-range strike against a multitude of hidden targets in Iran entails huge risks and uncertain rewards, which makes the cost-benefit analysis weigh against an air strike on Iran, according to some senior Israeli officials who urge caution. Haaretz
Labels: Ex-Mossad chief says strike on Iran could 'affect us for 100 years'
Exposing Bush's historic abuse of power
The last several years have brought a parade of dark revelations about the George W. Bush administration, from the manipulation of intelligence to torture to extrajudicial spying inside the United States. But there are growing indications that these known abuses of power may only be the tip of the iceberg. Now, in the twilight of the Bush presidency, a movement is stirring in Washington for a sweeping new inquiry into White House malfeasance that would be modeled after the famous Church Committee congressional investigation of the 1970s.
While reporting on domestic surveillance under Bush, Salon obtained a detailed memo proposing such an inquiry, and spoke with several sources involved in recent discussions around it on Capitol Hill. The memo was written by a former senior member of the original Church Committee; the discussions have included aides to top House Democrats, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Judiciary Committee chairman John Conyers, and until now have not been disclosed publicly.
Salon has also uncovered further indications of far-reaching and possibly illegal surveillance conducted by the National Security Agency inside the United States under President Bush. That includes the alleged use of a top-secret, sophisticated database system for monitoring people considered to be a threat to national security. It also includes signs of the NSA's working closely with other U.S. government agencies to track financial transactions domestically as well as globally.
The proposal for a Church Committee-style investigation emerged from talks between civil liberties advocates and aides to Democratic leaders in Congress, according to sources involved. (Pelosi's and Conyers' offices both declined to comment.) Looking forward to 2009, when both Congress and the White House may well be controlled by Democrats, the idea is to have Congress appoint an investigative body to discover the full extent of what the Bush White House did in the war on terror to undermine the Constitution and U.S. and international laws. The goal would be to implement government reforms aimed at preventing future abuses -- and perhaps to bring accountability for wrongdoing by Bush officials...